Royal Hospital for Women Foundation Social Media House Rules 

Our Facebook page is open to all and user comments and opinions are welcomed and encouraged. Users are free to post their thoughts or feedback and exchange with one another. To make sure this site is a safe place for all users, and for legal reasons, there are terms of use and some house rules users are asked to follow.
We expect that users will not post content that falls into the following categories and reserve the right to remove postings that are:

    • Offensive, divisive, aggressive, abusive, defamatory or intolerant
    • Fraudulent, deceptive, misleading or unlawful
    • Trolling, deliberately derailing discussions or posting multiple versions of the same view to the forum
    • Unrelated or off-topic
    • Violates the intellectual property right of another individual or entity
    • Spamming in nature
    • Commercial solicitation or solicitation of donations
    • Uses obscene or offensive language 

The views, opinions, and information expressed in user-generated comments remain with the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of South Eastern Sydney Local Health District / Royal Hospital for Women Foundation or its staff.

While user generated comments are not edited, to ensure a positive experience for visitors of this site and the broader community, the Foundation may report or remove at its discretion any content or comments containing spam, profanity, or otherwise objectionable or prohibited material.

We encourage you to have open and honest discussions whilst being respectful of your fellow community members.