Ari Malik Del Cid....Our baby boy....Gone too soon

By Fatimah Abbouchi Del Cid

I'm fundraising for The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation

In 2018, whilst on a work trip interstate and with no notice at all, I went into an early labour and suddenly and prematurely our son, our first child was born. We had just made it to the Royal Hospital for Women and were being registered as it happened. After what seemed forever, our little angel Ari Malik which translates to (Ari = Brave in Hebrew) and (Malik = Beautiful in Arabic) was born.

He was then immediately rushed to the ICU where he lived amongst all the other babies for 20 days. Those 20 days were the hardest days of his and our lives. We spent 20 days in a foreign place, only comforted by the fact that we had each other and the incredible hospital staff who made our lives that little bit better.

It was the most terrifying, sad and gut wrenching 3 weeks of my life as he lived out his days in ICU under the amazing team of doctors and nurses in the ICU unit. A team of professionals who watched over him and cared for him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. He was one lucky fella.

Unfortunately on June 26th 2018, Ari passed away due to premature birth related complications. Although he is no longer with us, we know he is no longer suffering and is at peace. We miss him every single day and wish we had the chance to see him grow into the brave beautiful boy he was.

I have started to raise much needed funds for The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation. You can join me and be part of this amazing journey. Every day at The Royal, a baby's life begins, a baby's life is saved, a woman's life is saved and new research creates miracles.

From our family to yours thank you for your kind support. 


My Updates

2 Years Ago Today

Wednesday 6th May
It was two years ago today when I was 5 months pregnant with Ari. Who would have known what only a month later would bring? Not only did we have the fright of our lives when Ari was born, but the scare of our life when he was taken away 20 days later. Missing him every day. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Fatimah Abbouchi Del Cid


Mummy And Daddy

Missing you every day, wonder what you would have been like at 5 years old.


Ari's Mummy & Daddy

You would have been 4 years old this year :( - we miss you and think about you every day. Love you little man mummy & daddy


Mummy And Daddy

Missing you every day, we love you forever and ever. Wish you were here.


Fatimah Abbouchi Del Cid


Mummy, Daddy And Sofia

Another year without you my little guy - we miss you immensely and so does your sister who joined us earthside this year.


Craig Sounes

My heartfelt condolences and thoughts are with you and yours!


Daniel, Gris, Rubi And Elisa

Rest in Paradise our beautiful baby boy Ari Malik. Forever in our hearts. Love always tios and primas 🙏🏾💕


David Lathbury

Thoughts are with you Fatimah and Ben🙏🏻 May your little boy give you eternal strength to make a difference and live your lives to its fullest.



Always in our thoughts, little Ari!


Christine & Ava

Thinking of you both. Sending my love amd condolences. RIP to your little prince! Xx


Raquel & Muz

Rest in paradise little angel ❤


Daisy Johar


Karen Judith Walker



Forever in memory, Ari Malik Del Cid! Rest in peace little champion!


Johnny Du

May Ari Rest In Peace! Forever in our memories ❤️


Karen Chirila


Mary Huynh

Forever in our memories, Ari


Melissa & Phil Neho

Couldn’t begin to imagine what you guys have and are still going through! Your son was born on my birthday, May he Rest In Peace



I think about you constantly little man. What a beautiful smart boy you would have been 💙


Jacquie And Luis Galdamez


Radha Fayad

Wishing you both a healed heart until you meet him again in paradise xx


Amanda Murrey


Vichitta Srisouraj


Mary, Jace, Caden And Taylor

Forever in our hearts Ari

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