Maree Kirk

MCRF Everest 2023

I'm fundraising for The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation

I have started to raise much needed funds for The Royal Hospital for Women Foundation. You can join me and be part of this amazing journey. Every day at The Royal, a baby's life begins, a baby's life is saved, a woman's life is saved and new research creates miracles.

My Achievements

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50% of Fundraising Target

100% of Fundraising Target

My Updates

Fundraising for The Royal Hospital

Tuesday 9th May


Although my taped-up 'boots' profile pic looks like I’ve been hanging out with Reese Witherspoon on the ‘Wild’ movie-set…in fact I’ve been training with some other slightly mad people to hike up to Everest Base Camp in Oct 2023.  This is part of a fundraising effort and is the first time I have been involved in anything like this. 

It has been moving to learn from both Parents and Medical professionals about the medical condition called necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) that impacts premature newborns. 

There is an opportunity to help save lives through funding the WHEAT Trial at The Royal Hospital. WHEAT stands for WithHolding or continuing Enteral feeds Around blood Transfusion and aims to prevent necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) in preterm infants born before 30 weeks.

All funds raised will go directly to that end…so please could you drop a donation on me today.

I have new boots… Are you ready, boots? Start walkin'     


Thank you to my generous donors



good work kirky


Michael Pain


Craig Emerson


Maree Kirk


Patrizia Anzellotti

Go well Maree have a safe and wonderful trip


Peter Yeh

Good luck, Maree


Naomi & Andrew


Marie O'looney

Best wishes for Everest Maree!


Max And Denise


Natasya Wright

Good luck Maree!! Well done


Cesko& Lynn Dzendrowskyj

Hi Maree Hope you don’t wear your boots out Good Luck hope all goes well 🤩😍


Bronwyn Thompson

woo hoo! what an amazing journey this will be - fundraising and trekking


Karen Hartshorne

From your favourite sister inlaw


Susan & Wayne Zhang

Enjoy your life outside the comfort zone, and safe journey!


Wayne Cassidy

Hi Maree hope you have a good trip Cass


Claudia Portale


Rachel Moss

Best of luck Maree….. sounds very ambitious…. Make sure you stay safe. Rx


Ruth Edwards

Good luck Maree


Geert & Jasmijn

What a great cause and effort Maree! Love to see you and the team getting to base camp 💪🏻!


Elizabeth Potter

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