Honouring the lives of beautiful triplet girls, Hallie, Summer and Mia.

By Georgie and Brad

On Mothers-day, Sunday the 8/5/22- our identical triplet girls were born premature (19 weeks 5 days) at 8:01pm- Hallie Therese Lennon, 8:04pm- Summer Eileen Lennon and 8:12pm- Mia Kate Lennon.Β 

Our beautiful girls were faced with such adversity from the very start- overcoming all the odds to even be conceived-spontaneous triplets, identical triplets- the rarest of the rare!

Having one of the highest risk pregnancies possible (monochorionic triamniotic) we knew early on that our wish of having 3 healthy babies would not come easy- our girls were monitored through fortnightly scans which then turned into weekly scans.

After our routine 15 week scan an issue was identified with Hallie and Mia’s amniotic fluid, Hallie had the largest amount of fluid and Mia's was very low, and we were referred to Maternal Fetal Medicine at The Royal Hospital for Women.Β On the drive up, we knew that there was something wrong with our girls- but we had no idea how much our lives would change in just a few short hours.Β 

After our girl's Fetal wellbeing scan was complete, we received the news that would break our hearts forever, Triplet C (Mia) was selective growth restricted and stage II Twin to Twin Syndrome between triplet C (Mia) and triplet A (Hallie) was diagnosed.Β 

Our diagnosis was devastating… without any intervention TTTS would most likely be fatal for one or all of the triplets. The risk of preterm labour was high, the risk of fetal demise was high and due to Georgie's placenta being at the front of the womb, the fetoscopic laser surgery which has the highest chance of success and improving the TTTS was not an option at that time.Β 

We knew the odds were now truly stacked against our girls, everything that could of gone wrong basically had- to put it into perspective- Twin to Twin syndrome only effects approximately 1 in 10 multiple pregnancies that share the one placenta, and selective intrauterine growth occurs in approx.. 10 to 15% of monochorionic pregnancies.

Twin to Twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare condition. All twins that share a placenta have connections with their co-twin, but usually the blood flow is balanced in both directions.Β  In TTTS there is an imbalance in blood vessel connections, so the flow goes mostly in one direction. Β One twin- the donor twin (Mia) gives away more blood than it receives in return and runs the risk of malnourishment and organ failure. The recipient twin (Hallie) receives too much blood and is susceptible to overwork of the heart and other cardiac complications. Either twin can die from these complications.

β€œSpontaneous identical triplets are rarer than 1:10,000 and then only a small proportion of these will get fetus-fetus transfusion syndrome (the triplet version of TTTS). Coupling this with having the placenta on the front wall of the uterus made this a very unusual pregnancy, so we had lots of lengthy discussions about the best possible treatments and strategies.” -Professor Alec Welsh

Over the next 4 weeks we had to live with the knowledge that TTTS could progress through 5 stages in 24 hours- at this point we were stage II, Stage III was abnormal blood flows in the umbilical cord of either twin, stage IV hydrops of the recipient twin and stage V being death of one triplet or all of our girls.Β 

We had to live each minute, hour and day knowing that TTTS could progress and our babies could be taken away from us at any moment and there was nothing at that point that we could do to save them- that's one of the reasons why TTTS is so cruel, it makes parents have to ponder decisions to achieve hypothetical outcomes that no parent should have to ever consider.Β 

The shining light through all the darkness was that we knew we were in the best possible place for our girls to get their chance at life, and our chance of being parents, the Maternal Fetal medicine unit at The Royal Hospital for Women.Β 

Under the care of Professor Alec Welsh and Dr Danny Challis, midwives Gemma, Marian and the team, our girls were monitored through weekly fetal wellbeing and growth scans using state of the art ultrasound technology which provided us the information to make informed decisions regarding our girl's treatment, potential procedures and outcomes.Β 

The empathy, and care shown towards us and our girls from everyone at Maternal Fetal medicine is something we will never forget and we know our girls could feel it too, we never gave up hope for our girls and neither did they.

By the end of our pregnancy we had had 13 ultrasounds and almost as many doctors’ appointments. We are so grateful and proud to of had the opportunity to watch our babies grow and develop each week into our 3 beautiful little girls. We really got to know our girls, their little personalities, and traits and when we got to hold them they were everything and more that we had ever imagined them to be.

Unfortunately, we know that we are not the only parents who have experienced the heartbreak of or been impacted by premature birth, stillbirth, TFMR, early pregnancy loss, TTTS and that we will not be the last.Β 

In Australia 1 in 4 pregnancies will end in a miscarriage before 20 weeks (Royal), 1 in every 135 pregnancies that reach 20 weeks will end with a stillborn child (Royal) and more than 26,000 babies are born premature each year.Β 

For our fundraiser- this summer we will be hiking the 4 highest mountains in AustraliaΒ Β - Mt Kosciuszko, Mt Townsend, Mt Twynam, and Rams head all located in the snowy mountains, NSW.

We hope that each of these mountains will represent more than just a fundraising hike but will be able to symbolise so much more.

Mt Kosciuszko, the highest mountain in Australia-Β Unfortunately in today's society there still appears to be stigma associated with pregnancy loss, and we feel strongly that this is something that needs to change by creating more awareness, conversation and support-Β We will be completing this hike in honour of every little soul who's tiny feet never had the chance to touch the ground and for every parent who has had to experience the heartbreak of pregnancy loss- they will never be forgotten.

Β·Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Mt Townsend the second highest mountain in Australia- For Mia, our little fighter

Β·Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Mt Twynam the third highest mountain in Australia, For Hallie, our dreamer

Β·Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Rams Head the 4thΒ highest mountain in Australia- For Summer, our princess.Β 

We are fundraising for The Royal’s MFM department to help upgrade the clinical and quiet rooms.

These rooms are used for ongoing specialised care and consulting for families with very complex and challenging pregnancies, including many of these perinatal loss families. Staff in the MFM and perinatal loss teams meet with families in these rooms for very sensitive and often devastating conversations. This can include care and monitoring during complicated pregnancies, as well as follow up postnatally in the perinatal loss clinic. This can include conversations about potential life threatening and life limiting conditions for unborn babies.

Currently, the rooms are dull and confronting.

Fundraising to upgrade these rooms will include fresh paint, new carpet, the replacement of outdated and mismatched (and unwelcoming) furniture and adding aesthetics that will create a softer environment for families, who are facing very challenging circumstances.

Included in the refurbishment is artwork that is meaningful and also creates a space for connection.

Love Georgie, Brad, Hallie, Summer and Mia

Thank you to my Sponsors


Raffle Income


Matched Donors


Natalie And John

For our precious little Granddaughters Hallie, Summer and Mia. We love you all so dearly, you will never be forgotten and will stay with us forever. Nannie and Poppy πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Connor Sizer




Joel Cairncross


Romina And Luca

With Love xxx


Matched Donors 2022


Chris Marnoch

Thanks for sharing your story Georgie. All the best for your hikes.



In memory of my beautiful grandaughters Hallie, Summer and Mia. Nanna will never ever forget you, you are always in my heart πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Robyn And Blake

Forever in our hearts!! 🌸🌸🌸 πŸ’• Auntie Robyn and Uncle Blake xxx



What a wonderful way to honor the life of your beautiful girls and support others.


Clare Bagoly

Wonderful initiative to support families throughout such a devastating time. Sending my love xx


Beck And Hugo

Love you guys xx


Alice Bagoly

I love you all so much. Words can’t describe how proud I am of you two!


Valerie Gray


Kaz Bonenfant

Georgie and Brad, Your brave girls and your story will have impact forever , beyond creating a beautiful space for others going through a similar experience . Much love Kaz x


Hazel And Augusta

Dear Georgie and Brad, it’s our privilege to donate to such a worthy cause while honouring both the lives of your three girls and your determination to work to help others amid your own grief. xx


Matched Donors 2022


Essie Lynch

Such a beautiful thing to do in memory of your 3 daisy girls 🌸 sending all my love xx


Matched Donors 2022


Amelia-jayne Day

To our beautiful nieces / cousins, Hallie, Summer and Mia. Little fighters that continue to help others. We will never forget you. Love from us all xxx πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—


Daniela Pelosi

Much Love ❀️ ❀️❀️


Skye/ Rossana Marin


Anesh Govender

I am inspired by both of you and the strength and love you have shown.


Gabbie Emily And Laura

Sending you lots of love


Emily Willis

To my little nieces, Hallie, Summer and Mia. We will all never ever forget our girls. Love always, your Aunty Em xxx


Gemaya, Tim & Koko X



Katie H.

Well done guys xx


Jan Voss

I hope you achieve your goal as it is such great cause. Wishing you the very best for your future. I had three premature births in the 70’s, two survived but unfortunately our first only survived just over a day.


Matched Donors 2022


Menita Parsons

Much love xx


Blake Davis


Dimitria Rostron


Mary Yutzuss

Always thinking of Brad and Georgie.





Sarah King

Forever thinking of you both, sending love to your beautiful angels.


Aunty Emmy & Uncle Cool J

In honour of our precious Daisy babies. Not a day goes by we don’t cherish the love we have in our hearts for youπŸ’—


Lauren Mckellar


Kim Smith

Sending you big love. ❀️


Matched Donors 2022


Janelle Hall

Sending love and healing from Landon's Grandma (Mackenzie's mum).


Laura Banbury

The love you have for your beautiful girls, the strength and compassion you are showing for them and other angel babies is so special. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– they are so lucky to have you as their mum and dad πŸ’«πŸ’πŸŒΈ xxx


Little Hair Boutique


Gemma & Rosemary

Such a beautiful way to remember your girls. Sending love xx


Carol & Paul Lynch

For Hallie, Summer & Mia


Sean And Emily

To Hallie, Summer and Mia, Forever in our hearts. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Ange Ratini


Cheryl Lennon

Much love to you Georgie,Bradley and your baby girls πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–




Viles Family


Sari Boschiero

Such an important cause and what a special legacy for your girls xx


Tahni Madigan


Bianca Antunez-d'acunto

Brave&beautiful souls. The girls will be proud to have amazing parents and how they're helping so many others. πŸ’– lots of love bianca


Suzie And Justin Fogliada


Kelly + Tori Padman

Always thinking of you both and remembering your gorgeous girls πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


Sue & Peter Millet


Kate Thomas


Ash And Stephen Jovanovski

For three beautiful daisies Hallie, Summer, and Mia. ♥️♥️♥️




Natasha Russo



All our love always, warmest kisses on the wind to Hallie, Summer and Mia, so infinitely loved 🌸🌸🌸


Ella, Flo, Janine & Ben



Katelin & Alex Tololeski


Felicia & Vince Stilo


Marsden Clinical Psychology Pty Ltd




Chaise Ash Musal



Your story is very sad. Your commitment to raising much needed funds is inspirational. Best wishes for your future.


Matched Donors 2022





Victoria Mcgrath

In memory of three beautiful angels


Jackie P


Jason Saladino

Lots of love guys.


Dakota Morgan

In loving memory of your three beautiful girls x


Matched Donors 2022


Matched Donors


Brooke Bugden



Sharon Bott


Shirlee Pascoe


Courtney Doosey


Matched Donors 2022


The Chapman’s


Katy Cowley



Emma Goodwin


Isabella Patrone Hill


Leyla Mckenzie


Tayla Ireland

πŸ’•πŸ’• xx


Ashley Robinson

Your precious daisy girls, gone but never forgotten!! 🌼🌼🌼


Kathy Luck


Kerri Ireland

Beautiful angels


Wendy Clarke

Georgie and Brad you are both doing a wonderful job of honouring your gorgeous girls . Keep telling their story and speaking their names and they will never be forgotten xx




Chloe Muscat

You guys are so strong and brave for doing this, what an inspiration to those little girls.


Sabine Abou Faissal


Jade Kelly





Cassidy Lois




Lisa Mccormack

Big hugs for you all xxx


Matched Donors 2022


Blenda Eltz


Bbb Client

Thank you for turning your tragedy into something positive that will benefit many. You are inspiring, Georgie. God Bless you all.


Lana Clementson


Matched Donors 2022


Claire Cohen








Rachel Lear

You are beautiful parents to be honouring your girls with this fundraiser πŸ’œ


Matched Donors 2022

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