Fundraising for the Newborn Care Centre
Our beautiful baby Sebastian was born on 20 September 2017 and lived for just 12 hours. Â Sebastian was only able to live that long because of the loving care of the doctors and nurses in the Newborn Care Centre at the Royal Hospital for Women and the gift of a ventilator by another family that helped him breathe. The life of every child, however short, has meaning.Â
Thank you to my Sponsors
Jo Smith And Family
Amelia Schwarze
Schwarze Family
Maria Burwood
So sorry for your loss and in awe of the way you’ve handled this - you’re such a special person Amelia and I’m very thankful to count you as a friend
Michael, Melissa, Luke And Lucy Thompson
In loving memory of Sebastian Noah.
Emma Pinn
Dearest Amelia. So glad you and Craig got to meet your son and spend some time with him due to this incredible technology. This is the best use of our money I can think of. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Your Friends From Work
Hi Amelia - Your colleagues are thinking about you at this sad time. In memory of Sebastian.
Christine Fernandez
Pauline Williams
Much love to you all
Ianallie Powell
So heavy of heart for you and Craig. May God make your heart wounds somehow a blessing and Seb ever lives
Lauren & George Petas
You are creating a beautiful legacy for Sebastian through this foundation which, as we know first hand, does amazing life saving work supporting families at the toughest times. I like to think that Sebastian and Gregory are playing together and looking down on us ;)
Agius-nunn Team
Lynn Rawson
Ray Schwarze
Alison & Greg Mokeeff
Matthew & Tracy
Funeral Donations
Stephie M
Sorry for your loss. Hopefully we can all contribute to better care to other families going through the same journey in the future.
Rebecca Jee
Much love to you all.
Alicia Hattersley
Sending so much love to you and your family Amelia. I mentioned on my return from leave that I had recently seen you looking happy and healthy, only to hear the sad news about your precious Sebastian, and my heart broke for you a little. Sending prayers and hugs xx
Cassie Reed
Sending you and your family so much love and strength at this difficult time Amelia. I'm so very sorry for your loss xxx
Marlina Wardjojo
Tina Burgess
From great aunt JO and family, with our sympathy.